During the mid-1980’s Katherina’s husband/manager William developed a relationship with the Sabah’s State Gallery at the capital, Kota Kinabalu. A solo exhibition was arranged, this comprising graphics together with small sculptures he was able to hand-carry from Canada. Included with these sculptures was her earliest bronze casting, THE SLEEPING VENUS.
The sculptor herself was unable to attend, and as can be seen by the photographs, the event opened on 8 January 1988 without her. The catalogue reproduced here was kindly prepared by the State using materials deposited with them on an earlier visit.
Despite her absence the exhibition was so successful that the State of Sabah decided to invite her as an official guest, this event to be a considerably more expansive production than the first. As will be seen it actually took place some two years later, opening on 22 March 1990.
The Sabah exhibition of January 1988 was the first in Katherina’s Asia Tour, which by the time it was finally crated for its return journey to Canada had travelled to six exhibitions in five states and countries, including Thailand, Malaysia, Sabah (twice), Brunei, and Kuching, Sarawak.
Singapore had also planned to invite her, but regretfully before the event could take place it was discovered that the National Museum had become home to a most considerable number of termites, and much reconstructive work needed to be undertaken. By the time it was completed the final exhibition at Bangkok had long since closed.
Type: Solo